“Youths carrying knives in ‘self-defence’, increasing poverty and domestic violence are believed to be amongst the factors putting Liverpool at the top of the charts for hospital admissions due to violence.

The city not only has the unwanted title of highest rate of hospital admissions for violence in England, but its neighbouring borough Knowsley is second, Sefton third, St Helens fourth and Halton fifth, with Wirral slightly further behind at ninth.

The statistics, from data collected by Public Health England, represent the number of admissions per 100,000 of the population between 2017/18 and 2019/20, with Liverpool’s standing at 127.7 after 2,055 admissions.

here are some caveats, including the huge number of tourists that visit Merseyside including for its night life, and the fact that specialist hospitals such as the Walton Centre and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital can take patients from across the North West.

However, the numbers make for concerning reading and are not lost on those attempting to tackle violence.

Alan Walsh, a youth worker and anti-knife crime campaigner who has extensive experience tackling youth violence, told the ECHO no one-size-fits-all approach can change the situation.

Over the years Mr Walsh’s ‘Real Men Don’t Carry Knives’ education programme and group assemblies have shared the reality of knife crime with thousands of children, while parental sessions have helped educate families about the warning signs of child criminal exploitation.

Mr Walsh, who also runs Anfield and North Liverpool Boxing Club, said: “In Liverpool, one of the main things driving it is massive levels of deprivation in my opinion, but that’s just one aspect of it.

“It is a cultural issue we have had in Liverpool for a very, very long time, knife crime has almost been a fashion.

“We have found some young people want to carry a knife because they think everyone else is carrying one, not because they want to go out and stab someone, but for protection.

“It goes across the whole spectrum, it is not simply a gang problem, it is not working class problem, it is not a race problem or anything like that.

“Two kids could be in Alder Hey Hospital after getting stabbed but the reasons behind it can be completely different.”

Mr Walsh said educating children about violence and knife crime needs to start very early, and he has been involved in outreach initiatives involving kids as young as five-years-old.

He said: “Sometimes there is a fear of talking to children about this so young, but we have found that by 13, 14, it can be too late.”

The impact of the pandemic and lockdowns on violence are still being analysed, but Mr Walsh said from his experiences clashes between rival street gangs intensified.

He said: “We have let young people run the streets while everyone else was indoors.

“The only ones on the streets were rival gangs and there was not the public around. We have also seen a lot of parents lose their jobs, and things like bike robberies are going up.

“From our work with hospitals it seems like the staff feel like violence has increased, but that is also because they are asking the right questions about what happened.

“We know that sexual violence and domestic violence involving young people has also increased.”

Mr Walsh recently shared gruesome images of knife wounds suffered by an 18-year-old boy during a gang attack in North Liverpool, who did not report it to police but had agreed for his story to be shared to raise awareness.

The teenager came across a gang of youths who pulled a knife on him, before launching into a savage attack causing long slash wounds to his torso.

Mr Walsh previously told the ECHO: “I said ‘did you know anyone was after you’ and he said no. He said ‘this is just what’s going on in the streets’.”

When the figures were put to the office of Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Emily Spurrell, she pointed out serious violence in Merseyside has decreased by 9.5% since the start of 2021 while knife crime has reduced by 12.5%.

She said: “These figures are understandably concerning. Violent crime destroys lives, devastates families and whole communities and we must do everything we can to prevent it and protect people.

“Tackling and reducing incidents of serious violence is one of the priorities in my new Police and Crime Plan and I know it is absolutely a priority for the Chief Constable [Serena Kennedy] too.

“Merseyside Police already takes a very proactive approach to tackling violent offenders and preventing violence, including knife and gun crime. This includes analysing the areas which experience the highest rates of violent crime to target patrols accordingly.”

Ms Spurrell also highlighted the impact of specialist Merseyside Police initiative Operation Target.

According to the PCC’s office since January this year, 770 people have been arrested for offences related to knife crime and weapons and 1,720 knives and weapons have been recovered, including 402 through open-land searches.

Ms Spurrell said: “While the police certainly have a crucial role in reducing the number of people admitted to hospital due to violent crime, this is not an issue they can solve on their own.

“If we are truly going to get to the root of the problem and reduce the amount of violence in our communities, early intervention and prevention is key.

“This is a core theme within my new Plan, and it is an approach the Chief Constable is committed to embedding within Merseyside Police, working with partners including the five local authorities, health and education.

Liverpoolecho (https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/)

John Robinson AND Callum Greaves

s and partners trying to take our idea. 2 years ago I met Gary and Andy from JMeducation who shared our ideas. We now have one of the most successful boxing and fitness academy’s in the city were young people come 1st. The team is brilliant. Tutor John Robinson is one of the best educators we could ask for. Then we have Callum Greaves who trains our students again not many better out there for his age. Big things big plans for the Academy moving forward.

Homeless community

olute pleasure to speak with the some of the homeless community today about knife crime. This community are so overlooked when it comes to being victims of violence. So many have been victims of knife crimes and/or beaten over the years. (Not by their own community but often by drunken gangs of people). When we move into the new premises we will offer free sessions were these guys can come and train and tap into our many resources. We will also work with the outstanding John Finnigan to form a forum were the homeless community have a voice with the police and the Crime Commissioner.

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